Economy, Bill, Debate

What is going on with the economy?!?! Economy crisis?! Yes, it seems that the economy is in a downfall…..

While McCain was supposed to go back to Washington to address the economic issues/crisis in this country, and if the deal is not finished and decided on, the debates are over? What do the people think about that?

Though, it seems he stayed in New York for an interview….I wonder what the polls will say when they find out….

Debates seemed to be right on schedule, though. Right on time, they were. No problems with the timing. Who won? Who lost? Hurdles covered? Hurdles knocked over? What about the polls now?

Obama seems to have a hold on what should be done for the economy, Palin is very vague on what she thinks needs to be done to help the economy….

Even the current president says “We’re in the midst of a serious financial crisis“….

Yet, they didn’t pass the bill, had a bad reaction to it, rejected it. Reasons behind the rejection? Who knows

-Mojo Jojo

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